

Welcome to our dedicated fundraising page, hopefully you will find some useful information on how to support the club with our fundraising efforts.

Supporting our local Food Bank through our gala programme

The following club codes help turn our members’ shopping into funds for the club and give our members the benefit of discounted shopping too:

Ness Swimwear – Use code – MASC2024 to receive a discount on your purchases and raise funds for the club in the process. Go to the club page at the following link: Link

Allens of Kingsbury – Use code – MIDDLESBROUGH10 to receive a 10% discount on your purchases. Link

Proswimwear – if you are considering any purchases from Proswimwear, please use the following link and raise funds for the club in the process: Link

Easy Fundraising  – Easy fundraising turns your daily shopping into funds for the club. When you shop with over 7,000 brands through the site, they will donate part of what you spend to our swim club. It won’t cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand. Support the club by registering via the site and each time you shop raise funds for the club. Link 

Body Shop at Home – Benefit from 10% off for all purchases from Masc members and raise money for the club in the process. Go to @bath&beauty@homebylarisa on Facebook, alternatively visit the pop up shop at Yarm Martial Arts on a Monday or Wednesday 9.30-12.30pm.

Buy and Sell Forum– Have you got any unwanted swimming kit? Why not support the club and donate it through our forum. Contact your team manager if you have any items to donate, once restrictions ease these will be available to view at Sunday squad sessions, along with a regular update being sent out to advise on available items. Any queries please contact [email protected]

Middlesbrough Lottery-  is an exciting weekly lottery that raises money for good causes in Middlesbrough. If you are thinking of taking part why not support the club by using our unique page to purchase your ticket!    Link

Acknowledgements- MASC would like to thank the ongoing support offered to the club by our sponsors: Tees Valley Hospital, Anderson Ellis Architecture and FPE Seals.

If you would like to take part in any fundraising activities, please email [email protected]

Recent fundraising activities

Aldi Bag Pack 24th June 2023

Cake sale 18th June 2023