- If it’s your first competitive gala, tamper those nerves by reading our helpful tips on how to prepare.
- Always arrive on poolside at least 20 minutes before the start of the warm up. For longer distance races (usually 400m and above) you will have to register at meet arrival.
- Your team manager will help you on the day and will be on hand to help you get settled and used to the environment.
- You can’t expect to perform at your best if you arrive hurriedly, drop your bag and get straight into the pool so try and arrive a bit early to allow yourself to prepare properly and feel less stressed.
- Never waste time after you have arrived. Prepare your body and your mind.
- YOU may need to organise your parents! It may be your responsibility to get them out of bed in a morning so that you are not late for a competition. Persuade them that they need to give you every chance to do your best.
- If you are staying in a hotel close to the venue, try to arrange for your room to be away from noise so that you can sleep or relax before the competition.
- Prepare your body pre race with good nutrition.
- If travelling from afar, pack your swim kit either on the top of the case or in a separate bag, so that you can get to them quickly and easily. You might be going straight to the pool after travelling.
Travel light, take only what is needed to look professional but comfortable and to swim fast. - Have spares of all competition swim wear (caps, goggles, costumes etc)
- If your room is hot, fill the sink or bath with water so that there is moisture in the air, as air conditioning tend to dehydrate the air. Open the window when sleeping if you are sharing a room with other people.
- Keep a glass of water beside your bed and take a sip or drink each time you wake during the night.
- Have a minimum of 2 drink bottles plus post competition snack ready for each day. Keep your drink bottle clean and do not allow anyone to use yours or you to use anyone else’s.
- Alarm clock/phone/tablet – make sure it’s charged or take a back up in the event of a power failure.
- Keep your sleeping habits the same as you would at home, especially if you are staying in a hotel where you will not want to be distracted.
- Own individual pillow – take it with you if it means you sleep better!
- Earplugs – be accustomed to sleeping with these just in case of a noisy roommate or neighbours.
- Eyemask– be accustomed to sleeping with these if you find it difficult to rest in daylight.
- Develop a pre race meal which you can pick up anywhere – rice/pasta are really good.
- Take a woolly hat, gloves and coat if the temperature is cold. Some pools are cool! And at some point you will be going outside.
- Get quality rest and relaxation. Understand that being nervous is normal.
- Make sure your phone containing your music is fully charged.
- Support the team effort whilst maintaining your own goals.
- Practice vivid visualisation skills every day, swim your perfect race achieving your goals in your mind.
- Understand that negative athletes never achieve – do not mix with negative people.
- Make the environment work for you and do not become a victim of the environment.
- If possible, be selective about whom you sit beside on the mini-bus (choose someone who you can relax with).
Tips for preparing for a competitive swim
Looking for some top tips before your next competitive swim? Read the latest blog for ideas.