eating Tips

5 Ways with Bananas

Five recipes prepared by Tiffany Afflick (@thecookingyam) for British Swimming.
Smoothie bowl
Banana bread
Ice cream

eating Tips

Top 30 Foods

Nutritional information of thirty foods that may be beneficial to include in a swimmers diet.

eating Tips

Eating on a rest day

The physical demands on your body change on a rest day, therefore your diet should change to reflect this. If you continue to eat as much on a rest day as you do on a training day or if you eat too little then you risk negatively impacting your body composition, recovery, adaptation and immune […]

eating Tips

Eating at competitions

The nutritional demands of a swim meet are quite different to a normal training day.  You should carefully consider what and when you are eating in order to maximise your racing performance. Here’s a quick guide of nutrition Do’s and Don’ts on race day Quality and timing counts Race day isn’t an excuse to eat […]

eating Tips

Cereal Bars

Cereal bars will be a staple of most swimmers’ kit bags and kitchen cupboards.  But what role do they play in a healthy and performance diet? Snacking between meals A quick snack between meals can prevent you feeling too hungry and accidentally overeating at the next meal. Some are quite small and not very filling […]